COVID-19 Alert Levels update
From 6 am on 28 February Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand to Alert Level 2.
Find out more about alert levels on the Unite Against COVID-19 website

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Testing for COVID-19

Information on lab testing and capacity and testing rates by ethnicity and DHB.

Last updated 1pm 27 February 2021.

All data on this page is as at 9:00 am on 27 February 2021 unless otherwise stated.

Data on this page is now updated daily.

Data is collected from the EpiSurv database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated.

On this page:

See also:

Testing summary, status, and results

COVID-19 viral testing
People tested Test results delivered in past 24 hours Test results delivered during past week
People who travelled internationally 1111 7508
People working at the border, in managed facilities, or near people travelling internationally 789 5331
Within New Zealand, not linked to the border 5729 37082
Other 47 404
Total 7676 50325
COVID-19 testing status
All COVID-19 viral tests administered* 1,701,362
Testing kits in stock (updated weekdays only) 234,108

* Covers the period from 22 January 2020 (first test in New Zealand) to 27 February 2021. Note that some people are tested more than once.

Testing results from 22 January 2020* to 27 February 2021
Test results In managed facilities Within NZ communities Total
Tested positive for COVID-19 825 1943 2768
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 199515 1498827 1698342
Inconclusive result for COVID-19 4 248 252
Total (all tests) 200344 1501018 1701362

* First test for COVID-19 in New Zealand was on 22 January 2020. Note that some people are tested more than once.

Number of tests for COVID-19
Daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average)

Testing over the past 4 weeks

Tests at managed facilities and within the community in district health boards (DHBs)
DHB of Patient Domicile 25 Jan to 31 Jan 1 Feb to 7 Feb 8 Feb to 14 Feb 15 Feb to 21 Feb
Managed isolation and quarantine facilities 7630 7249 7328 7240
Auckland 5165 3067 2973 7813
Bay of Plenty 1083 768 755 1834
Canterbury 2468 2084 1949 4118
Capital and Coast 1164 970 883 2561
Counties Manukau 4975 3307 3586 22069
Hawkes Bay 356 366 317 1023
Hutt Valley 389 308 251 907
Lakes 456 311 329 926
MidCentral 591 526 393 1167
Nelson Marlborough 458 450 359 835
Northland 4416 424 415 1139
South Canterbury 139 114 130 317
Southern 1091 773 869 2061
Tairāwhiti 140 119 126 351
Taranaki 412 278 216 1729
Waikato 1567 1003 1086 4058
Wairarapa 99 77 89 209
Waitematā 10315 3419 3099 8238
West Coast 60 36 28 64
Whanganui 114 109 73 441
Unknown 2291 1851 1799 3270
Total 45379 27609 27053 72370

Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

Tests by ethnicity
Ethnicity 25 Jan to 31 Jan 1 Feb to 7 Feb 8 Feb to 14 Feb 15 Feb to 21 Feb
Maori 5669 2689 2833 10786
Pacific peoples 3476 2508 2767 11412
Asian 7134 4459 4215 12614
European/Other 23873 13236 12543 31229
Unknown 5227 4717 4695 6329
Total 45379 27609 27053 72370
Tests in managed isolation and quarantine
Test result 25 Jan to 31 Jan 1 Feb to 7 Feb 8 Feb to 14 Feb 15 Feb to 21 Feb
Tested positive for COVID-19 35 35 24 21
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 7595 7214 7304 7219
Inconclusive result for COVID-19 0 0 0 0
Tests within NZ communities
Test result 25 Jan to 31 Jan 1 Feb to 7 Feb 8 Feb to 14 Feb 15 Feb to 21 Feb
Tested positive for COVID-19 10 9 9 11
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 37735 20348 19716 65119
Inconclusive result for COVID-19 4 3 0 0
Total tests
Test result 25 Jan to 31 Jan 1 Feb to 7 Feb 8 Feb to 14 Feb 15 Feb to 21 Feb
Tested positive for COVID-19 45 44 33 32
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 45330 27562 27020 72338
Inconclusive result for COVID-19 4 3 0 0

Testing rate and results by location and ethnicity

All tests by DHB and in managed isolation and quarantine facilities from 22 January 2020 to 27 February 2021
Location Total tests Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Managed isolation and quarantine facilities 200344 0.41% NA
Auckland 208322 0.15% 371.67
Bay of Plenty 57592 0.08% 235.5
Canterbury 126683 0.12% 217.43
Capital and Coast 83424 0.16% 256.44
Counties Manukau 275942 0.08% 475.89
Hawkes Bay 33020 0.14% 196.68
Hutt Valley 30812 0.08% 202.93
Lakes 30645 0.04% 274.44
MidCentral 37772 0.1% 206.85
Nelson Marlborough 29985 0.11% 196
Northland 41526 0.08% 225.74
South Canterbury 10548 0.21% 175.34
Southern 69297 0.39% 205.55
Tairāwhiti 11920 0.03% 241.16
Taranaki 24755 0.05% 203.42
Waikato 103698 0.19% 241.68
Wairarapa 8761 0.05% 189.95
Waitematā 233394 0.13% 361.88
West Coast 3126 0.16% 97.87
Whanganui 11883 0.03% 182.66
Unknown 67913 0.08% NA
Total 1701362 0.16% 284.95
Tests by ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 27 February 2021
Ethnicity* Total test Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Māori 239565 0.09% 302.74
Pacific peoples 194150 0.11% 596.66
Asian 235912 0.18% 294.06
European/Other 896186 0.19% 288.13
Unknown 135549 0.19% NA
Total 1701362 0.16% 311.34

* The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European/Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori. See Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources for further information.

The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

Testing rates per 1000 people by location and ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 27 February 2021
Location Māori Pacific peoples Asian European/Other
Auckland 414.55 557.07 256.03 407.23
Bay of Plenty 259.52 371.12 156.4 232.24
Canterbury 213.86 285.46 194.64 216.94
Capital and Coast 258.05 306.4 169.39 268.99
Counties Manukau 472.53 785.75 368.55 372.73
Hawke's Bay 204.76 297.1 127.81 192.49
Hutt Valley 199.51 254.21 164.67 204.34
Lakes 297.79 421.31 215.83 259.95
MidCentral 201.01 266.46 127.31 213.71
Nelson Marlborough 209.49 330.47 136.31 194.06
Northland 253.55 247.85 161.01 213.38
South Canterbury 176.82 457.86 162.02 172.55
Southern 192.3 304.66 146.99 209.87
Tairāwhiti 261.93 302.53 224.01 214.29
Taranaki 203.26 292.09 180.97 202.18
Waikato 272.26 332.77 195.67 228.61
Wairarapa 200.84 321.13 192.96 182.81
Waitematā 380.44 542.6 285.25 365.2
West Coast 91.47 156.42 118.96 96.87
Whanganui 181.32 222.52 129.57 184.57
Total 285.04 561.55 252.29 262.1

Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

Percentage of tests returning a positive result by DHB and ethnicity from 22 January to 27 February 2021
Location Māori Pacific peoples Asian European/Other
Auckland 0.07 0.19 0.13 0.15
Bay of Plenty 0.04 0 0.15 0.1
Canterbury 0.06 0.19 0.1 0.12
Capital and Coast 0.04 0 0.11 0.2
Counties Manukau 0.02 0.07 0.1 0.12
Hawke's Bay 0.03 0.21 0.24 0.17
Hutt Valley 0.13 0 0 0.09
Lakes 0.03 0 0.04 0.05
MidCentral 0.05 0 0 0.12
Nelson Marlborough 0.12 0 0 0.12
Northland 0.06 0.1 0 0.1
South Canterbury 0.1 0 0.73 0.2
Southern 0.39 0.14 0.15 0.42
Tairāwhiti 0.02 0 0 0.06
Taranaki 0 0 0.09 0.06
Waikato 0.09 0.04 0.27 0.24
Wairarapa 0.06 0 0 0.05
Waitematā 0.21 0.23 0.1 0.12
West Coast 0 0 0 0.19
Whanganui 0 0 0.48 0.03
Total 0.09 0.11 0.18 0.19

Note: we cannot give the total number of people testing positive per DHB and ethnicity for privacy reasons.

Testing rate and results by age and sex

Tests by age group from 22 January to 27 February 2021
Age group Total people tested Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
0 to 9 145066 0.09% 229.88
10 to 19 155752 0.13% 242.99
20 to 29 317615 0.2% 425.24
30 to 39 308311 0.18% 452.08
40 to 49 247180 0.16% 405.98
50 to 59 241024 0.16% 379.86
60 to 69 172302 0.16% 322.17
70 to 79 78196 0.14% 215.09
80+ 35916 0.16% 192.39
Unknown NA NA% NA
Total 1701362 0.16% 338.29
Tests by sex from 22 January to 27 February 2021
Sex Total people tested Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Female 857562 0.16% 337.06
Male 721895 0.18% 290.5
Unknown 121905 0.07% NA
Total 1701362 0.16% 314.05

New Zealand's approach to COVID-19 testing

New Zealand has a goal of eliminating COVID-19. Planned, targeted testing is one of the tools that can help meet this goal. We don't test without planning.

COVID-19 is a new disease, so we had to build a completely new testing capability.

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